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4 Things You Should Know About Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

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Driving under the influence is a term used for those who are driving under the influence of alcohol. Depending on where you live, you can have a glass of beer for dinner and be good at driving, but in others, you may not have anything before you get behind the wheel. However, there are some things you need to know about DUI. In addition to causing major bodily harm, disabled drivers carry the risk of criminal penalties. If you want you can read more from now on which is a useful site.


  • It is illegal


Blood alcohol content measures the amount of alcohol in your blood. BAC’s legal limits vary from place to place, but if you exceed the limit while driving, it will be considered driving under the influence. There are many potential legal consequences for those who receive DUI. The situations that put you behind the wheel can play a major role in what happens next, so it’s important to be cooperative.


  • It’s dangerous


Alcohol can quickly affect your body and mind in such a way that you don’t even realize how slowly it enters the system. This means that when you think you are good at driving, you are not. No one else is going to drive for you, it’s in a bad position. Alcohol is known as “liquid courage”. This is dangerous because it can force you to make bad decisions.


  • Increases insurance rates


Driving under the influence is an example of reckless driving that insurance providers consider when deciding how much to pay on their policy. If driving under the influence is charged with a DUI, it can increase your rate by up to 50% for three years.


Driving under the influence is a subject that many people engage in, but it is important to remember that it can have serious consequences.