Bioenergy Therapy

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So who can benefit from bioenergy therapy? The answer is anyone can and it doesn’t just apply to humans it applies to your pet or any living organism on the planet. The reason why is simple – BIOENERGY is the life sustaining force of the Universe. There can be no life without Bioenergy.

Science has proved the human organism is not just a physical structure made of molecules; but is composed of energy fields which are vibrating, refreshing and exchanging information within and around the body. The biofield effectively regulates all our biological functions. If the biofield is not correctly balanced a number of conditions can occur on both a mental and physical level which can lead to illness or an overall decline in wellness.

A person is healthy when the energy potential of their biofield is perfectly ordered and vibrates at its optimum frequency. Bioenergy therapy aims to balance a persons Biofield to restore wellness on both an emotional and physical level. By restoring and balancing bioenergetic information, Bioenergy therapy addresses the optimization of health and is not a form of medicine which targets one single ailment. Bioenergy healing simply boosts the immune system, spreading information of optimum performance to all cells and allows the body to function to its full potentia

You can visit a bioenergy therapist and they can look at the bioenergy field and optimize it or you can take advantage of distance healing, if you don’t have time to visit a centre. The great thing about this natural form of healing is anyone can feel the benefits and if you are suffering from a mental condition such as depression or a physical condition as serious as a stroke or simply have a back pain, bioenergy healing can help.